Platform Game Generator                                                                   PGG - Platform Game Generator
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All Limitations/Improvements/Bugs are from the current version (ver. 2.1)

A. Current Limitations

  • No more than 30 enemies can be defined.
  • No more than 6 enemies/objects/items can be placed on the same screen.
  • No more than 100 screens can be specified.
  • No more than 200 relations can be defined (100 up-down : 100 left - right)
  • No more than 300 blocks, 300 platforms, 300 ladders, 300 upslopes can be made.
  • You are limited to 3 frames for each enemy/object/item sprite.
  • You are limited to 3 frames for the player sprite.
  • An ending sequence can not be programmed.
  • Enemy/Object/Item movements are very restrictive.

B. Known Problems/Bugs

  • PGG ran slower when tested on UNIX systems, although it was tested on many different windows systems and ran perfectly 95% of the time, on the other 5% the sprites flickered slightly, but the game was perfectly playable.
  • Invalid relations should have been checked before the game starts.
  • If you type in an incorrect line between the define blocks in PGG language the error message will miss out the last character when redisplaying that line back to the user.
  • The game can not run in a web page, without the policy settings being altered.

C. Upcoming Improvements

Note : Many of these are being currently implemented for the next version.

  • A Proper graphics interface for the game could have be produced when playing the game.
  • Looping statements could have been included into the PGG language for instance if the user wanted to block the same squares on many levels, The code might look like this:
define levels-
  loop (x) 10 -> 100 step 1
  block (2,30,42,370,78)
  • The enemies could have been given a name instead of just a number. For example the code at the moment looks like this:

With proper name the numeric value (in this case 24) could be given a proper name then referred to later in the program.

  • The player could have been given some kind of 'attack' button, where the player would be able to wipe out enemies on the screen.
  • It is possible that the blocking could have been done automatically by scanning the image and searching for all the colours which aren't say black (or any other 'special' colour), and building blocks on these colours. This, however, would have been quite a big job to complete and probably would have required a lot of extra time to complete this.
  • A 'define ending-' clause could also have been added to the PGG language, this would say how and what will happen when the player reaches the end of the game.
define ending-
   endtext("well done you have completed the game!")